Aturinda Georgia the Kihanga Parish Development model SACCO chairperson in Buhunga Sub County Rukungiri district is on spot for extorting money from people to benefit from the program.
Leaders brought up the issue yesterday at the Buhunga Sub County headquarters during a community education session on service delivery and the Parish Development Model program (PDM), which was hosted by the Rukungiri Deputy Resident District Commissioner (RDC), Ahimbisibwe Wilberforce Ongom.
Buhunga Sub County Chairperson LC3 Mr. Benon Mugisha, also known as Aunt, councilors, sub county technical staff, PDM SACCO leaders, and other individuals attended the meeting.
Councilors from the Kihanga Parish expressed worry about the chairperson of the Kihanga PDM SACCO, who demands payments from members ranging from Ugx. 5,000 to 20,000 before permitting them to receive PDM monies, during a discussion on the implementation of the Parish Development Model.
However, according to DRDC Ongom, the Security Committee’s goal is to guarantee that PDM is a success in the Rukungiri district and that anyone interfering with the program would be dealt with appropriately.
He sent the O.C. Buhunga Police station, the GISO, and the Community Development Officer instructions to look into the claims so that the offender might be apprehended and prosecuted appropriately.
In the meanwhile, DRDC Ongom explained that he intended to have similar meetings in order to inform the stakeholders about their responsibilities in the delivery of services and the implementation of the PDM program.
After the training, he said, the participants will mobilize the public to support the PDM program, which will be organized around seven pillars and help to close development gaps caused by previous government initiatives like operation wealth creation.
Ongom asserts that the PDM has a better chance of success than previous government initiatives since it is decentralized and choices are made with input from the general public.
He disclosed that other sub Counties in the Rukungiri district will also have stakeholder mobilization sessions.