UPDF soldiers filmed flogging suspected thief charged, remanded


Five UPDF soldiers who were recently  captured on video flogging a suspected thief have been arraigned before the 505 brigade unit disciplinary court and charges related to torture read against them.

The five including Cpl Odong Richard Burton, Pte Omara Martine Henry, Pte Mongu Acel Sunday, Pte Ogwang Denis and Pte Omara Morish were on Thursday arraigned before the army unity disciplinary court chaired by Lt Col ML Kiggundu and charged with torturing and causing harm to a civilian, Omon Nelson on December, 11, 2023 contrary to Section 312(d) and 5(k) of the Prevention and Prohibition of Torture Act, 2012.

The court sat in Lagot Parish, Mucwini Sub-county, Kitgum district as the army opted for a public hearing.

They denied the charges and were remanded until today, Friday when they will reappear before the 5th division court martial which has jurisdiction to hear cases involving capital offences.

The soldiers were remanded until tomorrow when they will appear before the 5 Division Court Martial which has the power to hear capital offence cases.

The Kitgum District Resident District Commissioner Ebil Jimmy Ssegawa commended the UPDF leadership for arresting the culprits and producing them to face the law.

Ebil condemned the act and said that as a government they don’t condone torture as a means of extracting information or punishing but instead the government is mandated to protect the rights of the citizens.

The Deputy Commander for the 5th Infantry Division Col Gai Mbandwa assured the locals that, “this incident (torture) is not a UPDF policy. It was done on an individual basis and that’s why we have arrested them.”

The Deputy Defence Spokesperson Col Deo Akiiki assured that justice would prevail.