Hon. Dr. Agnes Atim Apea, the Woman Member of Parliament for Amolatar district, has made a plea to the locals to embrace commercial agriculture as part of the government’s effort to end poverty.
Atim recently addressed a group of Amolatar residents who had come to observe the Mp’s numerous initiatives to combat poverty in the area and to hear him preach about the district’s Parish development model project.
Although the government has implemented several initiatives, she claimed that they cannot adequately assist the whole population. Instead, they require individualized support, which she has determined is something she can give to her people.
Apea also stated that the community should begin concentrating on raising household income by adopting commercial agriculture, such as producing coffee and cashew nuts in huge quantities, in order to support them in providing their families with high-quality education.
Atim said that recent initiatives she has started for her people, like delivering tractors and piglets to various VSLA organizations, are intended to raise household income.
To combat food insecurity in the area, she added, the community shouldn’t neglect to plant food crops like cassava, simsim, and maize.
Sarah Aol, 37, an Awelo resident who received a free piglet lately, praised the woman member of parliament for coming up with so many programs to fight poverty.
She declared that she would borrow this money and put it to good use in order to assist educate her four children because she was struggling to pay their school expenses.
Atim Apea recently gave more than 100 piglets to the Amolatar community, gave 135 million shillings to local saving clubs, and purchased more than 10,000 cashew nut seedlings to give to the neighborhood.