Constitutional court declines to nullify Anti-Homosexual Act 2023 nor putting an injunction to its Implementation


The aconstitutional Court of Uganda has ruled negative to the nullification of the Anti-homosexuality act 2023.

The Justices have ruled that the Anti-Homosexuality Act does not violate the right to practice business and profession.

Parliament last year passed the Anti-Homosexuality Bill 2023 and president Museveni signed it into bill in May 2023.

Upon signing it into law, its implementation took immediate effect.

Like they did in 2014, veteran journalist Andrew Mwenda, Fox Odoi, Prof Sylvia Tamale, Dr Busingye Kabumba, Solome Nakaweesi, Dr Fank Mugisha, Kasha Jackeline Nabagesera, Richard Smith Lusimbo, Eric Ndaula, Williams Apako and the Human Rights Awareness and promotion forum petitioned the constitutional court to overturn the Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023.

 These contend that same sex intercourse between two consenting adults shouldn’t be a crime.

 They are also against the heavy fines, tough punishments including life imprisonment and death penalty which come with come with the Anti-Homosexuality Act 2024.

The controversial petition which was filed by Andrew Mwenda and others against the Attorney General on 29th May 2023 as the Key respondent on behalf of government was heard on 18th December by five justices led by Deputy Chief Justice Richard Butera, Geofrey Kiryabwire, Muzamiru Kibeesi, Monica Mugenyi and Christopher Gashirabake who heard the evidence and arguments presented to them and promised to give their verdict.

The justices of the Constitutional Court have today in a judgement read by the Deputy Chief Justice Richard Butera unanimously dismissed Andrew Mwenda and group’s petition and declined to nullify the Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023.

The justices have ruled that the Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023 does not violate the right to practice and profession