INTERESTING: Key achievements of Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng in Lira City as Woman MP


Dr. Jane Ruth Acheng, the woman representative for Lira City in 11th Ugandan parliament, was elected on the NRM ticket and left a lasting legacy thanks to her noteworthy accomplishments during her three years in office.

During her three years in office, she has accomplished some noteworthy things as a consequence of her commitment to serving her constituents and furthering their interests.


Promotion of women’s rights Empowerment:

Dr. Jane Ruth Acheng has made a strong case for the rights and advancement of women.

She has dedicated her life to advancing initiatives that will improve the socioeconomic standing of women in Lira City, particularly their access to economic, medical, and educational possibilities.

Infrastructure Development:

Significant progress has been made in Lira City’s infrastructure development under her direction.

In order to raise the standard of living for locals, this includes construction and renovating roads, schools, hospitals, and other crucial infrastructure projects.

Healthcare Access:

Dr. Jane Ruth Acheng has played a significant role in enhancing Lira City residents’ ability to obtain healthcare services.

Her lobbying work has resulted in improved healthcare facilities, increased accessibility to medical professionals and supplies, and improved community health outcomes.

Initiatives in Education:

Dr. Jane Ruth Acheng has made education a top priority and has led a number of efforts to increase Lira City residents’ access to high-quality education.

This covers constructing new schools, giving children from disadvantaged families support, and providing educational resources:

Community Development Programs:

In an effort to improve the lives of those living in Lira City, Dr. Jane Ruth Acheng has collaborated with the Ugandan government to launch a number of community development initiatives.

These initiatives concentrate on issues like entrepreneurship, agriculture, and enabling people and communities to prosper economically.

Overall, Dr. Jane Ruth Acheng’s accomplishments as a woman member of parliament for Lira City have been distinguished by her steadfast dedication to the welfare and advancement of her constituents.

Her accomplishments bear witness to her leadership and commitment to serving the people of Lira City.

The electorate should honour a wonderful leader who put in more effort to transform Lira City.

Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng is a first-time member of parliament who entered politics in 2021 in response to public demands after making a significant contribution to the global and Ugandan campaigns against COVID-19.

Both the international community and the Ugandan government expressed their sincere gratitude to Aceng for saving Ugandan lives.

Hon. Dr. Jane Ruth Acheng began her five-year term in parliament on May 17, 2024.


She donated 14.5 million shillings worth of Covid-19 relief supplies (500 bags of beans and 500 bags of maize flour) to Lira City’s most vulnerable residents, including street sellers, children, blockers, wheelbarrow pushers, and others, during the lock down.


Minister Jane Ruth Aceng helped the boda boda operators in Lira through their umbrella organization LUMBA by giving them 2,000 Executive reflector jackets, valued at 20 million shillings, in an effort to show them how much they were cared for.

Additionally, she donated 100 beds to the public for hire as a means of generating income for the moms of Victory Outreach Ministries, at a cost of 16 million.

Her struggle to help unemployed youth, Minister Aceng Financed Boda Boda motorcycle loan scheme for the people of Lira City in order for them to get motorcycles on loan at an affordable rate and it is being run and managed by LUMBA.

As of today, 135 motorcycles at a cost of 704.7M shillings have been given out and many young people find it easy to deal and get.

Born on 11th May 1968 in Oyam District, Hon. Dr. Aceng Jane Ruth Ocero, attained her O’ and A’ level from Nabisunsa Girls School and later joined Makerere University where she obtained her MBchB, M.MED.Pediatrics and a Master in Public Health.

She also holds a Diploma in Health Systems Management from the Galilee International Management Institute, Israel.

Minister Jane Ruth Aceng is a mother and married to Dr. Andrew Ocero.

She started working in Lira as the Medical Superintendent of Lira Regional Referral Hospital from 1998 up to 2003.

As a consultant Pediatrician and Senior Consultant Pediatrician, also doubling as Ag. Director of Lira RRH, from 2007- 2011, she spearheaded a number of structural changes in the hospital until July 2011 when she was appointed a Director General Health Services at the Ministry of Health, a position she held for 5 years until 2016 when she was appointed Minister for Health for another 5 years.

She joined politics in 2021, in a hotly contested race for the Woman Member of Parliament- Lira City on the NRM Ticket, with two others.

She emerged as a winner with 63.7% victory and became the first Woman MP for Lira City. 

She was again re-appointed Minister for Health, a position she holds up to date.