On Wednesday, November 8, 2023, legislators on the Health Committee wrapped up their oversight tour of health centers in the Kigezi Sub Region.
Rukungiri municipality Member Of Parliament Hon. Dr. Elisa Rutahigwa led the legislator section, which toured the districts of Rukiga, Rukungiri, and Kanungu whereas members of the other section of the committee also visited other areas in the Kigezi Sub Region.
Health professionals there have begged Members of Parliament to quickly address the issue of outdated facilities and a shortage of health personnel during their inspection.
According to the medical staff, the provision of care has been significantly impacted by closed wards, a scarcity of medical personnel, staff housing, and a paucity of supplies and equipment.

Dr. Akasiima Mucunguzi, the Rukungiri district health officer, told the committee during the visit to Rukungiri Health Center (IV) Rwamahwa after Rwakabengo Health Centre (iii) that the district is finding it difficult to meet the medical needs of its expanding population because of a lack of drug supplies and urged the parliamentary health committee to take into consideration increasing Rukungiri’s drug stock.
The lack of radiological equipment, like as x-ray machines, in Rukungiri district health centers is a major concern, Dr. Akasiima added, forcing patients to seek care at pricier private hospitals.
Legislators visited Kambuga General Hospital, Kihihi Health Center (IV), Bugongyi Health Center, which was recently upgraded from Health Center (II) to Health Center (III), all in Kanungu district.
In an interview with our reporter, Hon. Rutahigwa disclosed that all health centers (ii) are devoid of equipment and that they would prioritize these issues in their reports so that the minister of health may address them.
He continued by saying that certain Health Centers (iii) were upgraded from Health Centers (ii) without enough planning, and as a result, they were discovered to be lacking patient wards and adequate laboratory services, among other things.
Honorable Rutahigwa expressed gratitude to all medical staff members from all places the committee visited for their hard work, despite difficult circumstances, and assured them that the government will address the minor difficulties they had.
Hon. Timothy Batuwa, a member of parliament for Jinja West, stated that all sub-counties should have health centers IIIs and IVs, but some do not claim that it is imperative that the government create regulations to address this situation.
In order to make it easier for people to get healthcare services, Hon. Batuwa stated that as members of Parliament, they will hold the government accountable for enhancing the quality of the roads near health centers.
He stressed that radiological equipment should be given to Rukungiri district, saying that it is improper for a model area like Rukungiri to be without such vital medical supplies.
The lawmaker berated the way that power impacts Kanungu residents, but there is the Ishasha Dam, which generates energy, and locals don’t profit from it since it is exported to other districts, which has an impact on the health sector, particularly on equipment that run on electricity.
Hon. Ken Awuma, the woman member of parliament for Kwania district, stated that although the health workers at Kihihi Health Center IV are dedicated to their work and serving the public, the facility sees a high number of deliveries from mothers who come from over six sub-counties.
She also pledged to bring up the matter with the government so that the maternity ward can be expanded to accommodate a larger number of expectant mothers.
Since this will enable them to influence the government, Hon. Awuma called for a spirit of solidarity between district leaderships and their area members of parliament to get more services from the government.
Butaleja District Woman MP, Hon. Florence Nebanda, promised to collaborate closely with other committee members to address any obstacles that health clinics encounter.
Cue in……..HON AWUMA………….
The Member of Parliament for Hoima West, Hon. Joseph Luyonga, stated that since the resources and medical equipment in all health centers are nearly nonexistent, they would submit a report that will increase funding for the health sector during budgetary planning.
Cue in………HON. RUYONGA………..