President Museveni names 11 High Court Judges

Nobert Mao and President Museveni

President Museveni has nominated 11 additional interim High Court justices in an effort to fill vacancies in the expanding Judiciary structure.

According to a July 17 memo from the Clerk to Parliament’s office, the nominees will meet with the House Appointments Committee, chaired by Speaker Anita Among, on Friday at 10 a.m.

The Clerk to Parliament, Mr Adolf Mwesige Kasaija, signed off on the meeting notification to various Appointments Committee members.

The appointees are Ms Flavia Nabakooza, who has been a registrar, Mr Phillip Willebrord Mwaka, formerly in Attorney General’s chambers, Dr Christine Akello Echookit, Mr Amos Kwizera, Mr David Makumbi, Mr Samson Lwokya, and Mr Jamson Karemani, the Public Relations Officer of the Judiciary. 

Others are Ms Rosette Comfort Kania, Ms Patience Emily Tumusiime Rubagumya, Mr Farouq Lubega, Ms Jacqueline Mwondha, and Ms Aisha Naluzze Batala.

Also appointed is Mr Samuel Were Wandera as the new executive director of the Financial Intelligence Authority (FIA). 

Mr Wandera will now replace Mr Sydney Asubo, the pioneer executive director, who served for two terms.

The appointment of the 11 acting judges raises the total number of High Court justices to 81, including the Chief Justice, Flavian Zeija.

Parliament authorized the expansion of the High Court judge staffing structure from 83 to 151 judges earlier this month.