Ugx. 23B needed to construct Agricultural College in Amolatar


Lira University needs more than 23 billion for the construction of the college of Agriculture at Amolatar.

This was revealed on Tuesday at Amolatar district education hall during the stakeholders meeting to handover the land title for the construction of the college.

Professor Okaka Opio Dok Otum says despite many people yawning for the construction to kick-start, they are dedicated to fulfill their plan of construction in five years as planned in the five years project.

While presiding over the handover function on behalf of the Minister for land, Francis Okello Odoki Rwotlonyo the RDC for Amolatar appealed to the community to avoid land conflict and grabbing.

Okello said it is only the law in Uganda that gives citizens a pleasure to own their land unlike in other countries where the land is own by the government.

He said the NRM Government is implementing a very critical initiative to register customary land and issue certificates of customary land ownership to families and clans in the Lango sub-region.

He added that this is part of Government’s interventions as promised by H.E the President of the Republic of Uganda when he handed over customary land titles in Ibuje in Apac district a few years ago.

 “I want to thank GIZ RELAPU project, our esteemed implementing partners for supporting Government to rollout the registration programs at this critical time when there is a great demand from the citizens from northern Uganda to register their customary land and acquire legal documentation on ownership” He stated.

Government under the current manifesto pledged to give Customary land owners with official documents verifying ownership of their customary land as the way to secure customary land ownership.

This is the best way to secure customary ownership rights and the Parish Development Model investments of customary land owners countrywide.

He added that because of these efforts, ‘Kuc’ (Peace) has returned and many are now participating in PDM activities to produce surplus food for sale; knowing that no one will destroy Their crops through acts of illegal land evictions.

Adding that the Government has committed to meet the costs of processing the customary titles within the next 2 years using funds secured from the World Bank and the European Union.

For now, Government in its pledges committed to support the land registration initiatives instead of introducing the Self-financing approaches that may discourage or leave out the poor, vulnerable and marginalized groups.

Two events were taking place on Tuesday where a total of 1,900

Certificates of customary land ownership were issued to customary land owners from Amolatar District especial in Muntu and Agwingiri Sub Counties.