Debts cited in the downfall of Westville high school as it struggles for best grades


It has been noticed that everybody in fort portal city corner is wondering why West ville high school is these days straggling to get the best grades like its fellow competitors of St. Leos Kyegobe, Nyakasura School, Kyebambe girls, Mpanga Sec and Fort portal sec sch among others

Even when the privately owned school is known to have the best foot ball team in the Rwenzori region, it is straggling acedemically in recent years and this was exhibited in recently released 2023 UCE and UACE results where they never posted or celebrated like past years.

According to releable sources inside the schoool,  Westville UCE results were not apetizing and the best in UACE scored 17 points helped with a sister school of Moon ville in Kabarole district.

Another source close to the headteacher said that these days the school is straggling with debts that even UNEB had withheld the results till they cleared.

Westville high school was before known for being with best science students winning the whole region and of late, governmnet aided schools are in the lead.