Hon. Minister David Bahati, the state minister of state for trade, industry, and cooperatives (industry), has urged the youthful generation of boys and girls to uphold their values in order to become responsible citizens.
Minister Bahati thanked the bishop of the Diocese of Kigezi Rt Rev Gaddie Akanjuna for providing enough support to the boys and girls brigade movement in the Diocese and urged them to always be reminded on the main points in his speech, which was read by Kabale Resident District Commissioner Godfrey Nyakahuma as the Guest of Honor to close Kigezi Diocese boys and girls brigade complete on Saturday, 05.08.2023.
As the Holy Bible states in Matthew 5:13–16 that we are the light and salt of the world, Minister Bahati further urged the younger generation to uphold their brigade principles, which will help them develop into responsible citizens and maintain lifestyles to boost respect and make them responsible citizens, as well as to believe in the four-dimensional ministry of being spiritually upright, physically fit, and economically sound.
Minister Bahati, however, gave the younger generation further instructions to work with and inspire their families to improve the existing situation through government initiatives like the Parish Development Model (PDM), EMYOOGA, the Youth Livelihood Program (YLP), and others to help raise households out of poverty and into the market economy.
The bishop of the diocese of Kigezi, Rt. Rev. Gaddie Akanjuna, also urged parents to set aside time to spend with their kids and teach them the moral lessons of the Bible.
He explained that because parents have neglected their responsibility to instill morals and discipline in their children, the majority of children of this generation lack these qualities, which has caused the nation to be overrun by nonpatriotic individuals and urged parents to join him in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.