NEWS-The Lion Hon. Arinitwe Frank Rukanirwa has reaffirmed his commitment to assisting young people in Rujumbura Constituency in fostering and utilizing their talents in order to earn a living.
In keeping with this, Hon. Frank Rukanurwa recently supported various football teams, including Rumbura Giants FC, which hosted Kahooko FC and Bikurungu Dream FC in a mega match on September 10, 2023, at the playground of Rwabukoba Primary School in Ruhinda Sub County, Rukungiri district, where young people showed off their skills.
Through a phone conversation, Hon. Arineitwe Frank, the patron of Rujumbura Giants FC, informed our reporter that this is one approach to assist young people in realizing their potential and avoiding the temptations to engage in drug addiction and other criminal activity.
Arinitwe stated that the program for assisting youngsters would be highlighted often to develop their abilities to an exceptional degree.
However, he advised young people to take up alternative sports, like football, as they had produced famous figures in the nation and the wider globe.
“I believe that if we are to achieve our goal of being an aspirational nation, then young people need to be given a chance. We want to bring all our young people together to help them nurture their talents and, above all, empower them economically in order to ensure that they have a strong foundation in life,” said Hon. Rukanirwa.
Rukanirwa elaborated that while doing sports, there is promotion of good health and wealth.
Turyasingura Fred Kyanduuho, the director of Rujumbura Giant FC, said that the club wants to foster potential among young people in Rujumbura County.
With the help of Hon. Frank Rukanirwa, the club has so far sponsored eight young individuals who are enrolled in various schools.
Kyanduuho stated that some young people have potential but are not supported, leading to the formation of Rumbura Giants FC.
They have accomplished considerably, with the majority of them receiving assistance through school fees and the recovery of motorcycle loan debt among youth involved it transport industry, among other things.
In contrast, Rujumbura Giants FC was observed defeating Bikurungu Dream with a score of 1-0 during the unusual friendly football match that took place at Rwabukoba Primary School’s playground in Ruhinda Sub County last Sunday, while Kahooko Fc’s game finished with a score of 0-0.
With the help of Hon. Frank Arinitwe Rukanirwa, each team received a uniform, a ball, a transportation reimbursement, and a gesture of gratitude in the amount of Ugx. 100,000 after the match.
Cue in………KYANDOOBO……..