Rukungiri’s hopeful WMP Annah Nuwagaba supports cancer victim stranded at Mulago Hospital


Hon. Annah Nuwagaba, the Rukungiri District Woman MP hopeful over the weekend paid a courtesy visit to a resident of Rukungiri whose child has been diagnosed with blood cancer and is presently confined to Mulago National Referral Hospital.

Sabiti Boaz, a resident of Bwambara Sub County Rukungiri district’s Kikarara Parish, is the one who is stuck at Mulago Hospital with his 9-year-old child, who was diagnosed with blood cancer.

According to Sabiti, his child had been ill for a while without him realizing it was cancer.

Eventually, he went to Kambuga Hospital in Kanungu district, where they sent him to Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital and from there to Mulago Cancer Institute, which is the only cancer center in the country.

Before learning that the child had cancer, he said that the child’s care had cost millions of shillings, and that they were now left without a single coin to pay for the hospital’s supplies and drugs.

According to Sabiti, his child’s condition has been erratic in relation to receiving treatment.

“It has been a big challenge for me. Because the drugs are expensive, I can’t afford to buy them from the private pharmacy when the hospital runs out. I have to wait for either a good Samaritan to buy them or the government to supply them.” Sabiti said.

Nevertheless, on Saturday, Rukungiri Woman MP Hopeful, Mrs. Annah Nuwagaba, paid a courtesy visit to the Mulago Cancer Institute to assess her home resident’s circumstances, during which she provided financial support.

Hon. Annah, who visited the patient with a group of people, explained that she had received a call from Sabiti, alerting her to the fact that he was stuck at the hospital with a child diagnosed with blood cancer, and that she felt compelled to offer her assistance.

According to what Hon. Annah told our reporter, she was told the patient will be kept in the hospital for almost two years receiving treatment that might be too costly, so she called on other well-wishers to step in and assist the family.

She continued, hoping the child would recover because, at the time of his admission, he was unable to move or speak, but at this point, she can move an indication that, with the right care, he should be able to recover.

Cue in………HON ANNAH…………..

The patient’s father, Sabiti Boaz, hailed Mrs. Annah Nuwagaba, a candidate for Rukungiri Woman MP, for her wonderful support, stating that they were completely stuck asking for additional help from other well-wishers.

Cue in…………FATHER VICTIM…………

Blood cancer is a type of cancer that affects your blood cells.

Blood cancer is caused by changes (mutations) in the DNA within blood cells. This causes the blood cells to start behaving abnormally.

In almost all cases, these changes are linked to things we can’t control. They happen during a person’s lifetime, so they are not genetic faults you can pass on.

Some types of blood cancer affect children. Symptoms and treatment can be different between children and adults.