OPINION: Poor performing MPs in Lango to face hard in retaining their seats come 2026


The performance rating of members of Parliament released recently has attracted mixed reactions from the electorates, with most saying the results were accurate.

A Section of electorates interviewed by thekigezipost.com reporter in Lango Sub -region said the scores would have an impact on their voting, while others insisted that rating would not affect their choice in the forthcoming election.

The electorates also questioned the criteria used to arrive at the scores, pointing out that while some Mps performed well in the House., their performance at the constituency level was poor.

The exemplary performance of certain Mps Like Kioga North Constituency Mp James Olobo Dubai may have excited him, but his voters are questioning his performance at constituency level.

Bonny Ocen, a resident of Opali sub county in Amolatar district, did not mince words in relation to the performance of Kioga North Constituency Mp James Olobo Dubai.

”I suspect Olobo has never been in parliament ,. This is a clear indication that he has been sleeping or doing his own things in Kampala, but not representing the people of Kioga who sent him to parliament.;he said.

Ocen added that, Olobo Scored F in plenary, E in committee and Constituency.

” Those whose names have not appeared among the top performers should come back and join the community in farming ” Said Samuel Opio a farmer from Oyam district.

The voters warned that they would vote out -under performing Mps .

” it has made us know that those top Mps should not be removed from parliament because they are doing the right things , said Patrick Okello a business man from Alebtong town.

Molly Akello, of Bangala trading center Kioga county Constituency in Amolatar district said actually there is little to show for Mp Moses Junior Okot Bitek’s three years in Parliament apart from chairs and tents as his constituents wallow in abject poverty; I believe a serious contender would replace him 2026.

In Otuke district, Yubentino Obak Alot a resident of Otudu village, Omwonylee parish in Ogor Sub said that the scorecard was accurate on Susan Jolly Abeja Okello, the Otuke woman Mp, rated among the worse performing Mps. She scored F in plenary, C in Committee and constituency.’she deserved it said Obak.

Dick Odongo of Lira City west challenged his Mp, Jimmy Jamie Michael Akena Obote U.P.C , to show what he has done for his constituents over 10 years he has been representing them.

The voters in Lira City expressed Varying views on the performance of their Parliamentarian woman Mp Hon . Dr Jane Ruth Acheng Ocero, received thumbs- up for supporting education, farmers , groups , health Centers and lobbying for power supply in the City.

In Otuke East constituency, Veronica Akello a resident of Olec ward in Otuke town council, disputed the scoring and rating given to Otuke East MP Hon Julius Acon Bua.

” In a week, he may be here about twice a week i disagree with those findings and rating. Acon is the best performing Mp Otuke has ever had ” Akello said.