GREEN ENVIRONMENT: Rotary Club donates tree seedlings to schools in Rukungiri


NEWS-For the many advantages that come with planting trees on public land, the President Rotary Club of Rukungiri Central District 9214 Mulindwa Patrick Morrison has asked leaders of public institutions to do so.

On Wednesday, November 29, 2023, he made the call while heading a group of Rotarians delivering fruit and eucyptrus tree seedlings to Kishonga Primary School in Rubanga Parish, Buyanja Sub County, Rukungiri District, and Kiyaga Primary School in Northern A Ward, Western Division, Rukungiri Municipality.

The fruit and seedlings were donated by the Rotary Club of Rukungiri Central.

While Kiyaga Primary School received 20 compound tree seedlings and 15 fruit producing trees, Kishonga Primary School received 1150 ecyptrus/Karutusi tree seedlings and 10 mango tree seedlings.

In his expression of gratitude, Murindwa Patrick Morrison mentioned his planting of 26,000 trees at Nyakagyeme Secondary School between 1986 and 2002, which provided firewood and timber for construction.

They also recently earned over 20 million from harvest. At Katurika Secondary School, where he was head teacher from 2002 to 2016, he planted 2,200 trees that were used to roof their main building.

Cue in…MURINDWA……….

Head teacher Turyahabwe Kenneth Rwabutegye of Kishonga Primary School thanked the Rukungiri Central Rotary Club for their contribution, emphasizing that their large students’ body deserved trees for shade, fruits, and building for growth.

He stated that he is willing to take care of the trees that were given to the club and requested that Rotary members always keep them in mind because they have a large membership and not enough furniture, infrastructure, or educational supplies.

Cue in……. KENNETH………….

The head teacher of Kiyaga Primary School, Kyokusiima Patience, praised the contribution and mentioned that the school needed trees because it is situated on an elevated area that is exposed to sunlight and strong winds.

Cue in…. PATIENCE……